liferay render url to another page

Next, we'll look at another general-purpose utility in Liferay: a job scheduler. Liferay provides PortletURLFactoryUtil class to create render URL in portlet. It should always be safe to go: 1) In your Project , first create the following files under the following path /docroot/jsps by creating a new folder called jsps view.jsp sunday.jsp monday.jsp tuesday.jsp admin.jsp 3. processAction() processAction method will be called when we use Action URL in our portlet, usually it is used for form submitting CRUD actions. I am using Liferay and Spring MVC and I want to redirect to another portlet and pass it a parameter, but when I try to set render parameters I get this error: 15:20:24,859 ERROR [portal-web.docroot.html.portal.render_portlet_jsp] (http-foo- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Set render parameter has already been called <aui:script>. Action URL's, Render URL's and Resource URL's all 3 can be generated using the portlet:xxxURL tags in jsp's but in order to use the potential of Liferay use the magical liferay-portlet:xxxURL tags. You can use it to redirect one URL to another or redirect one page to another. Configure Portlet as Administrator. By default, the portal's login page or the URL set in the property "auth.login.url" is used. Steps to Reproduce. That's there are some images which will be rotating periodically one after another. 1)friendly-url-mapping-class 2)friendly-url-mapping and 3)friendly-url-routes friendly-url-mapping-class is the class that will help us to get a friendly URL. LayoutTypePortlet represents a page with in Liferay. What is a module in Liferay? Note! control-panel-entry-weight: Determines the relative ordering for your portlet within a given category.The higher the number, the lower in the list your portlet will appear within that category. On clicking the link, the value is rendered through the AJAX call, as shown below. Using tag library 2. We need to use jspPage or mvcPath URL parameter and need specify the jsp page path as value then it will navigate to jsp page or render the specified view. To do so I tryed to redirect from the You should see a mock data set representing a sample response from the module (soon, you shall see it corresponds to a sample response of a sample GET request). For this, we need to give plid and portletName attributes for the target portlet. So what's my intention? We have another way to send the data to server is as request parameters in URL. 9. I would like to redirect from a portletA view (jsp) to another portlet (let's say its name in portlet.xml is portletNameB ). The first step is to import the portlet tag library to the view.jsp file. Liferay bundle JDBC driver sample web site Liferay Home Liferay IDE installing perspective projects, creating and importing runtimes Search Container snippet liferay-display.xml, 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th liferay-hook.xml, 2 nd liferay-look-and-feel.xml and color schemes defining settings in, 2 nd We have two tag libraries from which we can create URLs Portlet tag library 1 . For this there is an attribute called param attribute. iii) Deposit the same amount to the destination account. This is due to the '&' being incorrectly escaped when crafting the URL with the passed parameters. What's Action URL To be simple its just a URL in UI. Liferay 7 has shifted to a modular framework, with a module serving as the sole development unit. We can create render URL to invoke render method. 2. render. Hi, I'm using liferay 6.0.6 and MVCPortlet. 2. render() Once you deploy the portlet and add the portlet to your page render() method will be called, this method will process the configured jsp and returns the html content to the portlet. You want to call only process action. If we are not providing these attributes to <liferay-portlet:renderURL> tag then it will create render URL which points to current portlet only. By default, the portal's login page or the URL set in the property "auth.login.url" is used. Retrieve the API Key and the Canvas Page URL from Facebook. <ajaxable>true</ajaxable>. Startup Liferay; Create a widget page: testwidget Navigate to testwidget page 10.6. In standalone use (i.e. You want to add your own parameter of your choice. Copy and paste them on the Sharing tab. In liferay development we have many options to create liferay URLs(Render URL, Action URL and Resource URL).Following are the ways to create URLs. var myPop; function abc (url,abc) {. Render method is responsible to generate HTML content. We will look at both these approaches. How to Display Dynamic Content on a Page Using URL Parameters. I would like to redirect from a portletA view (jsp) to another portlet (let's say its name in portlet.xml is portletNameB ). Using Java Script 3. Say you are not happy with this default tabs1 parameter. It uses attributes:- Liferay have created another Util java scrip module that is liferay-util-window to create dialog windows or pop up in liferay. Context URL parameters are lost when multiple parameters are passed to the iframe widget, via URL parameters.. Real-time Example: Say you want to transfer money on-line from your account to another account. By the end of this article we will know the various way to create action URL in Liferay. liferay-ui:tabs works in this way by default. This tag gives the ability to use inbuilt implementation of Liferay to ease the development and ofcourse achieve it faster. The list is endless. Liferay provides IFrame portlet to embed a page from another application or same application With IFrame, users can navigate through the embedded page without losing the context of the portal page and adjusts to the size of the HTML page if the page is hosted on the same server. We are adding a render parameter named "renderParam" for render URL, and we are rendering jsp page page2.jsp on clicking the anchor tag. Here is how it can be done. Drag and drop the widget inside the page, and then click on *Publish". I am using Liferay and Spring MVC and I want to redirect to another portlet and pass it a parameter, but when I try to set render parameters I get this error: 15:20:24,859 ERROR [portal-web.docroot.html.portal.render_portlet_jsp] (http-foo- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Set render parameter has already been called In a nutshell, a module is a Liferay 7 plugin that consists of a set of classes, each with its MANIFEST file and extra resources, all bundled into a JAR file. Liferay: While select value from drop down popup will display. We will point to respective jsp by its path defined in portlet.xml file Next, add code to studentList.jsp so that it will look like the below snippet Background service sees only /api/todo part of the request. 1. Liferay Friendly URL is the one of the mechanism to shorten liferay portlet URL so that it's very continent to manage the URL and make others to understand very easy. While select value from drop down popup will display ,that popup is another jsp page you can display data on that popup . Hi, I'm using liferay 6.0.6 and MVCPortlet. This class is provided by Liferay. Getting to the portlet (web content display) from the page. List<Portlet> allPortlets = articleLayoutTypePortlet.getAllPortlets ("column-1"); Here it gets the list of all portlets that are in column-1 of the layout used on the page. Run the application, and we should be able to get the below screen with a resource URL link. Render URL created with <liferay-portlet:renderURL> can point to other portlet too. You could write another listener that updates a web content article with a count of the number of slogans entered. Note! The same code might not work in Liferay 6.2 because AUI was upgraded to AUI 2.x in liferay 6.2. Render URL, Action URL and Resou. If an app is installed that can render a preview of the file type, a representative image of the file appears (e.g., the opening frame of a video file or a presentation's first slide). A process action is generally used . *Where to get the plid for a page using the friendly url ?'plid' can be reterieved from the table 'layout' 2. 0. Another very useful attribute of this tag is 'portletName'. 1. If the file is an image, the image appears. jsf 2 - Liferay Portlet and JSF : Redirect during Render Phase asked Oct 24, 2021 by 深蓝 ( 31.9m points) I have a problem to implement a simple HTTP redirection. To enable coordination of render parameters with other portlets within the same portlet application or across portlet applications, the portlet can declare public render parameters in its deployment descriptor using the public-render-parameter element in the portlet application . To get actual imagination of carousel lets visit the URL and you will see the following on the top of the page. Hint: The portlet you want to redirect to could be placed on many pages, or on none. This tag gives the ability to use inbuilt implementation of Liferay to ease the development and ofcourse achieve it faster. Liferay 6.1 version we have different way to create AUI dialog windows and close the windows. If we want to load the page without waiting for the portlets which are taking more time in loading and let those portlets load in the background by ajax after loading of the page. Every input fields are prefixed by <portlet:namespace/> . It uses attributes:- 2. Tips 2: Call only process action when a button is clicked Sometimes you don't want to submit the whole form by JavaScript function. Search for Liferay Sample Module JS. The client browser will automatically submit a new request to generate the page. It uses attributes:- plid portletName 1 . This tag gives the ability to use inbuilt implementation of Liferay to ease the development and ofcourse achieve it faster. . This solution uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript instead of backend coding, so you will be able to use it with Marketo, Pardot, or any other system that allows a bit of custom code. Portlet added but not configured. 2. render() Once you deploy the portlet and add the portlet to your page render() method will be called, this method will process the configured jsp and returns the html content to the portlet. In this article, we learned about Liferay resource URL and how to implement it. It is very light weight frame work and it come up with liferay Plugins SDK. Generally in the Portlet Request URL its look like always query string so we can also change the pattern of Portlet URLs from query string pattern to other pattern so that is . Generally in the Portlet Request URL its look like always query string so we can also change the pattern of Portlet URLs from query string pattern to other pattern so that is . Scheduling jobs Liferay, because it's a platform, contains functionality for running various jobs on a schedule. such render URL can point to other portelt thay may be placed on different page. In some cases it is also necessary for the Web Content Structure to contain links to another Web Content Article. Absolute URLs. Explanations:- (For liferay-portlet.xml file) We have added 3 elements. This can be used to drive multiple websites with the variety of features and look and feel. In the Control Menu, click on the Edit button. When opening your app in Facebook, the correct callback URL is used to render the application. The user will see the newly generated content in their browser. In daily life we always see carousel in web page on the top of a main page. It uses attributes:- Working with Liferay URLs In liferay development we have many options to create liferay URLs i.e. Write page URL on the input field where we can find index . Conclusion. Click Save and go back to the Facebook tab in Liferay DXP. Consider we want a parameter myParam to be passed each time when a tab is clicked. Enter a friendly URL of a page that will be used to login portal users whenever the user is navigating a site and authentication is needed. To do so I tryed to redirect from the The Thymeleaf standard dialects -called Standard and SpringStandard- offer a way to easily create URLs in your web applications so that they include any required URL preparation artifacts. Absolute URLs allow you to create links to other servers. 3. This Blog is designed to share the experience and ideas in liferay For example <portlet:renderURL var="myURL"/> 3. processAction. So in render method of Liferay MVC portlet class, we will include it. myPop = new A.Dialog ( {. Action URL's, Render URL's and Resource URL's all 3 can be generated using the portlet:xxxURL tags in jsp's but in order to use the potential of Liferay use the magical liferay-portlet:xxxURL tags. The public render parameters can also be set on the render URL. Since we now have automatic layout naming which works even if you don't have a friendly url setup. Render URL can be created with Java API. 1. Perform Portlet Action Phase Action URL Posted: March 29, 2012 in Liferay Interview. This is done by means of the so-called link expressions, a type of Thymeleaf Standard Expression: @{.}. Run the application, and we should be able to get the below screen with a resource URL link. 'plid' can be used to open another page say from the home page you need to generate an action url that should opne 'contact' page, then this variable can help you out. with the type specified as "Portlet". In general Form is the way to take user inputs and send to the server side. This article is very basic which will be helpful for the beginners. In the portlet class we need not specify any thing means we need not override doView (--) method. In this case the whole process is a set of 3 tasks.If any one of these task fails then the whole process must be rolled back. liferay-portlet.xml; control-panel-entry-category: The 'category' where your portlet will appear.There are currently 4 valid values for this element: 'my', 'content', 'portal', and 'server'. 1. It might be a nice feature to extend our liferay-portlet taglib a little further to provide a layoutName="" attribute to go with the portletName="" attribute. On clicking the link, the value is rendered through the AJAX call, as shown below. 'plid' can be used to open another page say from the home page you need to generate an action url that should opne 'contact' page, then this variable can help you out. Also, Check Liferay Action URL and Liferay Render URL. When a portlet is displayed in the portal page this method is called. Creating Liferay render URLs. 1) In your Project , first create the following files under the following path. See the below code. Liferay UI Tabs. We can do this in Liferay by adding the following configuration in the liferay-portlet.xml. Env: LIFERAY_AUTH_PERIOD_LOGIN_PERIOD_SITE_PERIOD_URL Defaults: AUI ().use ('aui-dialog', 'aui-io', function (A) {. Usage:- without Liferay) this works fine, but in Liferay the popup opens and displays "Request was not handled by any registered handler." (HTTP-Response-Code: 404). Here are the steps to redirect URL to another URL. This tag gives the ability to use inbuilt implementation of Liferay to ease the development and ofcourse achieve it faster. You're given the Callback URL, which you can copy and paste into Facebook. Conclusion. The value of friendly-url-mapping will be used in the URL. Using complete Java classes and java objects. Using tag library is the most commonly used method. ii) Deduct specific amount from account. Access URL is /delegate/rest/api/ but while requesting proxy through Liferay's Delegate Servlet, /delegate gets stripped off. A page render URL for the current page is created and sent to the client as a client side redirect. Liferay is one of the most popular JSR compliant open source portal. In some cases is is necessary to use a Web Content Template to render advanced information about a Web Content Article on a Display Page Template (via mapping the Template to a Fragment). Action URL's, Render URL's and Resource URL's all 3 can be generated using the portlet:xxxURL tags in jsp's but in order to use the potential of Liferay use the magical liferay-portlet:xxxURL tags. Liferay Friendly URL is the one of the mechanism to shorten liferay portlet URL so that it's very continent to manage the URL and make others to understand very easy. There are 2 ways to redirect old page to another page in Apache - using server configuration file and using .htaccess file (mod_rewrite). In this article, we learned about Liferay resource URL and how to implement it. I tried many things - among others to generate the url via in studentList.jsp file, we will create link, which simply point to studentDetail.jsp. 3. processAction() processAction method will be called when we use Action URL in our portlet, usually it is used for form submitting CRUD actions. Here is how it can be done. Inspect the URL you're building - you'll see that it addresses the current page that you're on. But the main aim of the action URL is to invoke process action like 1 2 3 4 @ProcessAction(name = "addBook") Enter a friendly URL of a page that will be used to login portal users whenever the user is navigating a site and authentication is needed. The whole process can be considered as i) Check the sufficient balance. In this tutorial, we will learn to load a html page inside another html page, to do that we usually go for HTML iframe tag in which we can either set HTML file path or any URL from different domain in src attribute. /docroot/jsps by creating a new folder called jsps. view.jsp. Liferay is developed in Java and the major portlet development on it is also supported by Java and few other languages. Standard URL Syntax. Creating Tabs is a really Cool feature and Liferay has an inbuilt functionality to do so. Following are other possible ways to create render URL in Liferay create render URL By Java API in Portlet class and JSP create render URL By Liferay tag (liferay-portlet:renderURL) in JSP create render URL By Java Script I would recommend looking at the index page ' A Complete Liferay Guide ' to browse all topics about liferay. Situations arises when you need to create render URL in portlet. This is mandatory otherwise you will not be able to read form fields in your process action. Liferay MVC is portlet framework specially designed for liferay and we can develop portlet and deploy into liferay portal. This frame work has many features and it uses Liferay APIs to rapid portlet development and easy to use. Add the following code on the view.jsp file. Creating Tabs is a really Cool feature and Liferay has an inbuilt functionality to do so. For example you want to make a call to portlet B from portlet A. Find a way to actually provide the name of the page you want to redirect to. Download Source How to Redirect URL to Another URL. To view a preview of a file, click the file's name in the Document Library. I have worked on Liferay for more than 3 years and found that . In this tutorial, I will show you how to show/hide dynamic content based on URL parameters for any web page. Env: LIFERAY_AUTH_PERIOD_LOGIN_PERIOD_SITE_PERIOD_URL Defaults: In addition, the URL in the browser's address bar will be a render request URL. <render-weight>0</render-weight>. Also, Check Liferay Action URL and Liferay Render URL. Configuring portlet. When we invoke action URL the processAction method is called. We have many ways to create liferay URL in development the following are the ways to create URLs Using tag library Using complete java classes and java objects Using Java script Using Tag Library: Liferay provide build in tag library from that we can create liferay URLs. 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