tanzania muslim percentage

Zanzibar's 1.3 million residents are 99 percent Muslim, according to a U.S. government estimate, of whom two- thirds are Sunni, according to a 2012 Pew Forum report. Tanzania's population of 45 million is roughly evenly split between Muslims and Christians. Tanzania has a large Muslim population estimated at 35 percent. This narrative is magnified in Zanzibar where residents—99 percent of whom are Muslim—have deep grievances against the mainland and related . The population consists of a large number of ethnic groups. Benin: 24% of the overall population according to the 2002 census. China, Russia, Tanzania. The population on the mainland is 35 percent Muslim, 30 percent Christian, and 35 percent followers of traditional religions, while the vast majority of the population of Zanzibar is Muslim. It has been estimated that between 30 and 40 out of 100 people belong to these two religions. The government occasionally raises the specter of interreligious conflict as an excuse to detain political rivals, contributing . Appendix C: Training at the Foreign Service Institute Related to the International Religious Freedom Act. The great majority of these are speakers of Bantu languages. From pre-World War I estimates of about 3 percent of the population, Muslims by 1925 estimates constituted about 25 percent. In recent years, however, religion has been shown to the most concrete societal division, not ethnicity. In other areas of Tanzania, and especially on the island archipelago of Zanzibar, Muslim influences are more prevalent. The major religious denominations in Tanzania are Christianity and Islam with Muslim groups in particular feeling marginalised and neglected by the political leadership of the country. Tanzania's population is roughly 35 percent Muslim, 30 percent Christian, and 35 percent traditional beliefs. In Zanzibar, 97 percent are Muslim. Religion-related statistics for Tanzania have been regarded as notoriously biased and unreliable. A survey done in 2010 by the Pew Research Centre established that 61 percent of Tanzanians are Christians, Muslims constitute 36 percent, 2 percent worship in traditional religions while 1 percent are unaffiliated. › As Christians make up about 54 percent of the Tanzanian population, Tanzania's 31 percent Muslim population has largely been tolerant of Christian practices until a recent polarization between moderate and radical Muslims, according to Operation World. The Progress Scale is derived from people group values for percent Evangelical and percent Christian Adherent. Appendix A: Universal Declaration of Human Rights. - Only 15% of Muslims are Arab (Middle East) - 62% of the World Muslim population lives in Asia and 20% in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) - 300 million Muslims . In her first public address, she extended her condolences to the ex-president who has been passed away and made March 22 and March 25 public holydays to respect the ex-president's burial. East-North Africa region has the highest percentage of Muslim-majority countries. Nigeria has the largest Muslim population in Sub-Saharan Africa, with about 78 million Muslims (about 50% of Nigeria's total population). LeSage similarly states that Muslims are "interspersed with non-Muslims" in all major cities and along the coastline of mainland Tanzania (LeSage Sept. 2014, 3). A 2010 Pew survey found 61.4 percent of respondents to be Christian, 35.2 percent to be Muslim, 1.8 percent to follow traditional African religions, 1.4 percent to be unaffiliated, and 0.1 percent to be Hindu. The turnout is low, 42 percent. Political tensions between mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar often play out along religious lines. This means Tanzania is a leading Muslim nation in the region. The Muslim mainland communities are mostly in the coastal area. Religion adoption varied across residential areas in Tanzania as of 2021. Religions in Tanzania. At 9.9% of the population, the majority of Muslims in Kenya belong to the Sunni denomination in the Shafi School of jurisprudence. According to Pew Research Centre, Tanzania's 60 percent population is Christian, 36 percent Muslim, 2 percent practice traditional religion, and 1 percent are others. Contents For example in: * Israel. Muslims who subscribe to this narrative believe that Tanzania is ruled by Mfumo Kristo, or "the Christian system," which engages in the political, social, and economic marginalization of Muslims. According to the Pew Research Center research conducted in 2008 and 2009, 40% of the Muslim population of Tanzania identifies as Sunni, 20% as Shia, and 15% as Ahmadi, [5] besides a smaller subset of Ibadism practitioners. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available. In 1964, Tanzania achieved […] There are also many mosques and cultural centers throughout . While Tanzania's population is 34.2 percent Muslim and 54 percent Christian, according to Operation World, the Zanzibar archipelago is more than 97 percent Muslim. A separate 2010 Pew Forum Report estimates over half of the population practices elements of African traditional religions in their daily lives. Local languages have over taken former colonial languages in Tanzania. Unreached - Few evangelicals and few who identify as Christians. Indeed, more than half of the 20 countries and territories1 in that region have populations that are approximately 95% Muslim or greater. Statistics of Religion in Tanzania Statistics of Religion in Tanzania While Tanzania's population is 34.2 percent Muslim and 54 percent Christian, according to Operation World, the Zanzibar archipelago is more than 97 percent Muslim. In 2021 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 1,965,916. Today they make up just 17% of the population. The majority is of Bantu origin, and the largest ethnic group is the Sukuma. There are also active communities of other religious groups, primarily on the mainland, such as Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and Bahá'ís. Demographics of Tanzania 2021. Muslim in Tanzania. Religion plays an active role in the lives of many, as roughly 40 percent of the Tanzania's population is Christian, 30 percent Muslim, and 30 percent followers of ethnic faiths. The Islam worshipped in Tanzania is primarily of the Sunni faith. Section II. [6] Contents 3. Virtually 100 percent of the people in Zanzibar are Muslim; on the mainland, about 40 percent are Christian, 35 percent are Muslim, and 20 percent follow indigenous religions. Today in Zanzibar, which has a population that is 99 percent Muslim, women and young girls are often veiled, and boys can be seen walking around and playing soccer in traditional Muslim dress. Zanzibar, which is almost entirely Muslim, is semi-autonomous. There Some Chicago churches, such as Zion Lutheran and Augustana Lutheran, have small Tanzanian memberships. A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1.57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing 23% of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion. Christianity in Tanzania. All . Samia enjoys the distinction of being the first women head of a state in Africa. The indicator is available from 1960 to 2013. An estimated 62 percent of Tanzania's population is Christian and 35 percent is Muslim, mostly Sunni; other religious groups make up the other 3 percent of the population . Religious statistics in Tanzania. This narrative is magnified in Zanzibar where residents—99 percent of whom are Muslim—have deep grievances against the mainland and related . More than 300 million Muslims, or one-fifth of the world's Muslim population, live in countries Angola: estimated at 80,000 to 90,000 adherents. About 20 percent live in the Middle East and North Africa, 15 percent live in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2.4 percent are in Europe and 0.3 percent are in the Americas. The Joshua Project Progress Scale is an estimate of the progress of church planting among a people group, people cluster, country or language. Major Religion: 51 percent of Tanzanians are Christians, including 10 percent evangelicals. While reports vary, the population of Tanzania, which comprises over 120 ethnic groups, is estimated to be roughly 61 percent Christian, 35 percent Muslim, with the remaining population animist or other religions. Tanzania's population is 30 percent Christian, 30 percent Muslim, and 40 percent animist. Most religious. However, 99 percent of those living in the Zanzibar archipelago, along Tanzania's coast, are Muslims. Muslim extremists had attacked the church building before, setting part of it on fire on Feb. 19, 2013 and battering it with sledge hammers in November 2011. Only 4 out of 10 Americans claim to do so. Tanzania is 60 percent Christian and 35 percent Muslim. Only on the islands of Zanzibar live almost exclusively Muslims. Its teachings are found in the Quran, its most sacred text. Abrahamic Christianity 100 years ago Muslims were still a large majority in what is now Israel. A 2010 Pew Forum report said that 61 percent of Tanzania's nearly 60 million population is Christian, 35 percent Muslim and the remainder members of other faiths. Tanzania ranked #9 for seventh-day adventist membership amongst Hot countries in 2004. The Progress Scale is derived from people group values for percent Evangelical and percent Christian Adherent. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom Legal Framework Nilotic speaking groups such as the Maasai, are also quite large. Description: Muslim Population: Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt (Master, Doctorate) - Muslim population: 1.57 billion people (23% of the world's population - 6.8 billion), 20% of the World's population. More recent figures assume 61 percent Christians and 35 percent Muslims. Apr 15, 2021. Muslims make up 35 percent of the total population in Tanzania. According to the Pew Research Center research conducted in 2008 and 2009, 40% of the Muslim population of Tanzania identifies as Sunni, 20% as Shia, and 15% as Ahmadi, besides a smaller subset of Ibadism practitioners. Muslim extremists had attacked the church building before, setting part of it on fire on Feb. 19, 2013 and battering it with sledge hammers in November 2011. Muslims constituted the second largest religious group, accounting for . Although the percentage of Muslims has continued to grow, to about one-third of the population today, the rate of increase has never surpassed the post World War I period. The largest group of Muslims in Tanzania are Sunni Muslim, with Shia and Ahmadi minorities in sub-Saharan Africa. The population of Tanzania in 2013 is 47 million, of which 1 million live on the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba. Islam is a religion that was started by the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia. Language. Muslims as percent of the total population in Africa: The average for 2013 based on 46 countries was 43.9 percent.The highest value was in Algeria: 100 percent and the lowest value was in Angola: 0 percent. Countries with the largest numbers of Shi'i. Iran, Pakistan, India, Iraq, Turkey, Yemen. Age structure 0-14 years: 42.7% (male 12,632,772/female 12,369,115) A 2020 Pew Forum survey estimates approximately 63 percent of the population identifies as Christian, 34 percent as Muslim, and 5 percent practice other religions. On the mainland, Muslim communities are concentrated in coastal areas, with some large Muslim minorities also in inland urban areas. 25 In Tanzania, 53 percent of Muslims surveyed perceived their living conditions as the same or better than other Tanzanians. According to the International Religious Freedom Report for 2013, the number or percentage of Muslims in the African countries is as follows: Algeria: more than 99% of the overall population. Heritage Books, located on Granville Avenue, is a hub of . Follow @jehronmuhammad on Twitter. When asked about the perception that the Muslim population in India is growing faster than the Hindu population, Quraishi says the percentage of the Muslim population in the country has increased . Tanzania's African population can be divided into 120 ethnic groups. The largest group of Muslims in Tanzania are Sunni Muslim, with Shia and Ahmadi minorities in sub-Saharan Africa. Evangelicals = 2% . Once a separate state enjoying a long history of . Appendix B: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and The Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief. Tanzania ranked third for islam > percentage muslim amongst Christian countries in 2004. Islam arrived in Kenya around the Eighth Century. Nearly all the island of Zanzibar is Muslim, and the country was formed when mainland Tanganyika and the island-state of Zanzibar united to form Tanzania just after the close of the colonial period. As of 1 January 2022, the population of Tanzania was estimated to be 62,649,363 people. The Sukuma number about 3 to 3.5 million people and the Nyamwezi 1 to 1.5 million (1989 estimate). Prior to the Balkan Wars, WWI and the 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey (above), Muslims were . Stats. Muslims account for about 352 of the population. According to projections, some 63 percent of the population in Tanzania was affiliated to Christianity in 2020. The report provides further evidence that while the heart of Islam might beat in the Middle East, its greatest numbers lie in Asia: More than 60 percent of the world's Muslims live in Asia. Tanzania Muslim Wedding, and Beautiful Nature Photos . It is argued that the history of Islam in Tanzania can be traced back to the 9 th century and that by the 14 th century Islam was widespread along the coast of East Africa (Mukandala, 2006). The traditional homelands ofthe Sukuma and Nyamwezi are in western Tanzania, south of Lake Victoria. Argentina is home to one of Latin America's largest Muslim communities. Tanzania is a Christian-majority national with a population of 62 million. Tanzania is home to Africa's highest and lowest points - Mount Kilimanjaro at 19,341 feet above sea level, and the floor of Lake Tanganyika at 1,155 feet below sea level. According to a 2015 study 27.7% of the population was Protestant and 25.6% was Catholic. A 2010 Pew Forum survey estimates approximately 61 percent of the population is Christian, 35 percent Muslim, and 4 percent other religious groups. In urban regions, over 40 percent of respondents declared being Muslims, while this share stood at nearly 25 percent in . What is the growth rate of the Muslims population (between 2010 and 2030)? Tanzania is increasingly a transit country for illegal migrants from the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes region who are heading to southern Africa for security reasons and/or economic opportunities. Its health indicators are reflective of the wealth, infrastructure, and resources found in Dar as well. Answer (1 of 2): Yes. Christian, 35 percent Muslim, and 3 percent adhere to other religious groups. Sub-Saharan Africa, which includes 50 countries and territories, has about 241 million Muslims, which is about 15% of the world Muslim population. The U.S. government estimates the total population at 55.5 million (July 2018 estimate). . Table 2: Estimated Muslim population in Southern Africa region for th e Years 2010 and 2020. increased from 501,200 i n 1952, to 681,619 in 1962, to 826,199 in 1972, to 964,762 in 1983, to . Sub-Saharan Africa suffers 90 percent of all malaria deaths. These people believe in a supreme being just as the Christians and Muslims do. * The Balkans. "There is a huge team of very sincere and committed Christians reaching out to Muslims in Tanzania, and we need lots of prayer, fellowship and financial support," he said. DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA (Worthy News)- Dozens of Christian worship places have been destroyed by Islamic extremists in Tanzania and church leaders are fleeing its heavily Muslim island of Zanzibar, as the persecution of Christians spreads throughout East Africa, a human rights chief said Monday, November 12."As of May [about] 25 churches and convents have been destroyed. How many Christians and Muslims are in Tanzania? Level Description Criteria; 1: Unreached - Few evangelicals and few who identify as Christians. Factoid #107 At least 9 out 10 Nigerians attend church regularly. Countries with the highest percentage of Muslim population that is . Mapping the Global Muslim Population. Although specific data on exactly how many Muslims came to Argentina in this wave is scarce, there are an estimated 400,000 to 500,000 Muslims, around 1-2 percent of the Southern Cone country's population. Tanzania is a low-income country in East Africa with a population of 50 million. According to the International Religious Freedom Report for 2014, US government sources estimate that the "one million residents" of Zanzibar are "99 percent Muslim" (US 14 Oct. 2015, 2). Some of these migrants choose to settle in Tanzania. A handcrafted boat propelled by one or two lateen sails, the dhow is a popular mode of transport for tourists visiting the white-sand beaches and historic towns around Zanzibar. About 98 percent of the population in Zanzibar is Muslim. ### The US government estimates the total population at 48.3 million (July 2013 estimate). Major Religion: 51 percent of Tanzanians are Christians, including 10 percent evangelicals. In the 2.5 weeks I have been here, I have witnessed elements of Islam and Christianity as well as my own religion, Hinduism. Sub-Saharan Africa Overview. Answer (1 of 3): Islam is known to have increased its Numbers of Proportion in every Country in the world due to their infamous ideology of Having 4 Wives and Having a Lot of Numbers of Children , but yet there are Some Countries inwhich The Muslim Population is decreasing in percentage in Countr. Among Asian minorities, the Hindu, Sikh, and Buddhist faiths are practiced. However, 99 percent of those living in the Zanzibar archipelago, along Tanzania's coast, are Muslims. According to the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Christians are approximately evenly divided between Roman Catholics and Protestant denominations. Western Africa Indigenous% Muslim% Christian% Catholic% Protestant% Hindu% Others% Benin: 70: 15: 15 : Burkina Faso: 40: 50: 10 : Cape Verde While Muslims are found on all five inhabited continents, more than 60% of the global Muslim . Even if the population growth is high, the country is (like most countries in Africa ( sparsely populated. Muslims who subscribe to this narrative believe that Tanzania is ruled by Mfumo Kristo, or "the Christian system," which engages in the political, social, and economic marginalization of Muslims. The Islam sects in the country include the suni (14.4%), shia (7%), sufi (1.4%), Ahmadiyya Islam (5.6%), and non- denominational Islam (7.0%) Indigenous Spirituality Indigenous Spirituality followers are a minority group with only 1.8% of the population. Still, this reflects Muslim sentiment that roughly matches the rest of Kenyan society—a perspective that has persisted for a number of years according to earlier survey rounds in 2008 and 2011. Most Muslims are Sunni. Most of the people who live in Tanzania are Christian or Muslim. Zanzibar is 98 percent Muslim. Botswana: According to a 2011 study by the… Little, if any, history of Christianity. President Kikwete is re-elected for a new five-year term. What percentage is the Muslim population expected to grow by in the next couple years? Relations between Christians and Muslims in Tanzania can be traced as far back as the 19 th century when for the first time Islam and Christianity interacted. He gets over 61 percent of the vote, against 26 percent for Chadma's candidate Willibrod Slaa and 8 percent for Ibrahim Lipumba from CUF. Between 80 and 90 percent of the Muslim population is Sunni; the ISLAM AND THE CATHOLIC CRUSADE MOVEMENT IN ZANZIBAR [ By Khatib M. Rajab al-Zinjibari] Pamphlets with specific messages against Christians and Christian institutions have been recovered. A group known as Uamsho in Kiswahili (or "awakening") is inciting violence, especially in Zanzibar. Christians answered . Islam . But the 1967 census the total figures for Tanzania Mainland are 32% Christian, 30% Muslim and 37% local belief. The remainder consists of several Shia groups, mostly of Asian descent. Slaa accuses CCM of electoral fraud, but his request that the votes be reconsidered is rejected by the Election . This is an increase of 3.16 % (1,916,722 people) compared to population of 60,732,641 the year before. Tanzania had approximately 30.4 million inhabitants in mid 1995; about 1% were of non-African origin. The current estimates on the religious make-up of the country are very evenly spread: mainland Tanzania is made up of 30 percent Christians, 35 percent Muslims, and 35 percent believers in indigenous religions. A 2010 Pew Forum survey estimates approximately 61 percent of the population is Christian, 35 percent Muslim, and 4 percent other religious groups. Partner with Local Missionaries in Tanzania Donate Population: 62 million Evangelical population: 11% People groups: 155 Unreached people groups: 30 Tanzania The largest and most populous country in East Africa, Tanzania borders Uganda, Kenya, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Indian Ocean to the east. 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