uses of computer slideshare

Computers have revolutionized accounting and bookkeeping, and banks were some of the first to switch to computers. According. There are many uses of computers in supermarkets, and each one is designed to save time and money for consumers and store owners. Roles of computer in education: • Computers are a brilliant aid in teaching. Uses of computers in education 1. Tellers and other employees also use them to log information. Uses of computer 1. Uses of Computer in Education. Micro Computer is the self contains units and usually design for use by one person at a time. Flexible Tutoring 7. Select Documents To Upload. Know how to use common features of windows and the desktop. We carry out all the tasks through mobile phones which we initially did use our computers. • Institutions are using computers for keeping their records. Computers are used for all aspects of running a business. • Computers have given impetus to distance education. Today, computers are used everywhere from patient bedsides, medical carts, nurse stations, laboratories, and operating rooms. Students and teachers can download and store a lot of educational materials, books, presentations, lecture/ address notes, question papers, and so on in computers. You will be surprised to know that computer can perform millions (1,000,000) of instructions and even more per second.. Computer graphics is very frequently used for designing, modifying and creation of various parts of machine and the whole machine itself, the main reason behind using computer graphics for this purpose is the precision and clarity we get from such drawing is ultimate and extremely desired for the safe manufacturing of machine using these drawings. The computer and the internet have become essential to the modern day which functions a lot. In 1833, Charles Babbage invented all the parts the modern computer uses, but it wasn't until 120 years later that the first modern computers were invented. 10 Uses of Computer In Schools and Colleges 1. The use of computers can reduce the time that is spent on preparing teaching material. The email has enabled faster communication between people on the Internet. Industry is a lot of benefit from the use of computers and the development of a human machine that 'robot'. It's not difficult to learn to use SlideShare to showcase your best PowerPoint presentation and reach a wider audience if you know what to do. For years, computers in healthcare served a mostly administrative function. Data and Information All computer processing requires data, which is a collection of raw facts, figures and symbols, such as numbers, words, images, video and sound, given to the computer during the input phase. Secondary storage are removable devices such as CDs, pen drives, etc., which are also used to store data. Technically in daily life computer is used to convert raw facts and data into meaningful information and knowledge. Mobile devices, like a smartphone and tablet, use a touch screen for their pointer input. These first computers were huge and took up a whole room. One of the first and most popular personal computers was the Apple II, introduced in 1977 by Apple Computer. The computer is an electronic device that takes input from the user and processes these data under the control of a set of instructions (called program) and gives the result (output) and saves future use. Uses of Micro compute Read More - Mainframe computer and its Types There are various applications of microcomputer in different areas such as -. Memory of Computer. A number of tasks in today's world is computer based - filling an application, transferring fund, or doing online business everything can be done through computer application. Digital Computer. Despite this main focus, though, SlideShare is also used by many to promote brands or companies and some even use it as a blogging or newsletter service for their website. Computers provide the best alternative for more than one reason. Use SlideShare and the power of the Internet to reach a much larger audience for your presentation than you normally would. D Language), Create the next WhatsApp using Erlang, Create cool websites, create smart backend using node.js, etc.. 6K views View upvotes SHAIK AKHILA , studied Studying & Space Shuttle at Rajiv Gandhi University Answered 3 years ago • Computers help design and test new systems. Advanced computer-based systems are used to examine organs of the body. Today, computers are used by all kinds of employees in all kinds of industries. what is a computer hardware and software - What is Computer Hardware and Software :: Computer Hardware is defined as the physical part or component of computer system which can be feel, seen and touched. Computer plays an important role in various fields such as educational institutions, entertainment, homes, medical, businesses, government offices, research organizations, and many more. They are used in homes, business, educational institutions, research organizations, medical field, government offices, entertainment, etc. 4.5 (244) The use of computers on a regular basis in our life is very important. This means that we can use a computer 24 hours a day or 365 days a year continuously. It uses read-only memory in the form of punch cards. Instant Access to Information 2. Computer monitor which we use to view the display is a Hardware Device, A printer which we use to Produce ouputs,a computer memory which is used to store data or programs all are the types of . It allows the computers to communicate via network. Cases of analogue computer are temperature, pressure, telephone lines, Speedometer, immunity of capacitor, frequency of signal and voltage, etc.. 2. A)Desktop Computer or Personal Computer(PC):-It is the most type of microcomputer.A desktop computer is a personal computer designed for regular use at a single location on or near a desk or table due to its size and power requirements.It is not very expensive and is suited t the needs of a single user at home,small business units,and organization. Computers are used for making drawings. Uses of computer in Hospitals. What You Can Use SlideShare For SlideShare is mainly known for being an educational resource with a variety of webinars and training presentations on a large number of subjects. On the flipside, cybercriminals can take advantage of those same AI systems for malicious purposes. Programs and software in any computer can be accessed by other computers linked to the network. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, new models and competing . Memory. Industrial production, for example requires a lot of computers to process data collected from employees, customers, sales, product information, production schedules, and so on. Analog computer -. Increased Performance Why Computer Is Important In Education Sector A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data. Today, computers are used everywhere from patient bedsides, medical carts, nurse stations, laboratories, and operating rooms. Industry is a lot of benefit from the use of computers and the development of a human machine that 'robot'. Introduction to Computers By Prof. KUMAR GANDHI MEERA'S CLASSES. Diagnostic Tools ( Diagnostic tools are used to test and diagnose equipment. Identify major software applications packages and what they do. Even before computers became common in the workplace, pharmacists studied the potential for computers to improve their work. Information technology has become an increasingly important part of the pharmaceutical profession. Users of Stanford's network and computer resources ("users") are responsible to properly use and protect information resources and to respect the rights of others. 10. Analog computer operates by measuring rather than counting. As the technology grew and regulations changed, computers became more and more common in other parts of medical facilities. 4.5 (244) The use of computers on a regular basis in our life is very important. Uses of computers in Medical Field: Hospital Management System should maintain by the computer to know the complete environment and working operations of hospitals and etc. Here's a sample presentation on SlideShare from ShopVisible, the ecommerce platform. Benefit of computers in medical field: 1. To make tomorrow's work force competitive in an increasingly high-tech world, learning computer skills must be a priority. In this tutorial we will learn about the various uses of computer networks which includes the business application, home applications and mobile users and how computer network plays an important role for these applications. Despite this main focus, though, SlideShare is also used by many to promote brands or companies and some even use it as a blogging or newsletter service for their website. This page is designed to help new computer users become more familiar and . Organized Records and Data 4. We can even make powerpoint presentations on our phones and use it as a calculator to ease our work. The first of several personal computers released in 1977, the PET comes fully assembled with either 4 or 8 KB of memory, a built-in cassette tape drive, and a membrane keyboard. The computer is like an electronic magical device for our life. Regardless of the reasons why you're publishing — whether it's to generate leads, build your list, educate your prospects, enhance user satisfaction, or promote your informational products — you can use SlideShare at . Positive Impacts of Computer on Society • Computer has made our daily tasks more easy and quick. Vast or Immense storage is yet another main great characteristic of a computer. Speed: - As you know computer can work very fast. Students use the computer for research and homework assignments; employees may work from home to do job-related tasks. ENTERTAINMENTENTERTAINMENT Computers are used for playing games, listening to music and watching movies. According. Computers is one of the vital equipment in today's world. 3. B2B Ecommerce Considerations. Sports: Use of AI by Adversaries. Uses of Computer I M PAC TS O F C O M P U TE R O N S O C I E TY 2. Basics of Computer Science - Applications. Learning with Entertainment 9. or upload documents from the cloud: Select Documents To Upload. Computer-assisted Surgery (CAS) is a fast-advancing field in medicine, which . Businesses use computers to keep records, develop budgets and forecasts, prepare marketing documents, research and stay in contact with other employees and customers. Businesses and computers are virtually inseparable; an electricity or internet outage can bring business operations to a screeching halt. Examples of Analog computers include Thermometer, Operational Amplifiers, Electric Integrators, etc. Form a very important segment of integrated information system. Computer Literacy Education 5. Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. Hybrid computer. Furthermore, it provides consistent results for the same set of data, that is, if it is given the same set of data multiple times, it will give the same result each time. Email or electronic mail is one of the first significant uses of the Internet. Due to the usage of computers in medical . This field is very much related to software engineering and involves techniques by which the softwares can have a good interface meeting user demands. Yes said the computer used to control the production process. Computers manipulate data to create information. The basic parts of a computer are as follows −. Computer software is used for diagnosis of diseases. The beginnings of computers as we know them happened in 1980 - only 30 years ago. Digital computer. it performs tasks without manual intervention.

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