quantum torpedo vs photon torpedo

Announced to coincide with the release of Star Trek: Beyond, which opens in UK and US cinemas on 22 July, the students' findings suggest that in order to function correctly, a photon torpedo . Contents 1 Specifications 2 History 2.1 Applications 3 Appendices Ships . The torpedo armament is similarly impressive. This means more shots per minute. 7: Are its shields superior? I do not know about the Phaser yields of the Enterprise-E, but I do know that the photon torpedoes at least one type of Photon torpedo contains 1.5 kg of antimatter inside it, and there was a statement in Voyager that indicates that a 25 Isoton yield Photon Torpedo could destroy an entire city within seconds. The added mass did slow down the torpedo though. Torpedo: High Yield Attack Upgrade - Damage Type: Bridge officer ability Profession: Tactical Region: Space Game Description: Torpedo: High Yield upgrades the next torpedo attack to fire a salvo of torpedoes at a single target. Auxiliary craft: 7 shuttlecraft, 2 shuttlepods, 1 Delta Class runabout. Note: Though Photon and Quantum Torpedoes are fantastically powerful weapons, the initial matter/antimatter reaction often destroys the device before the reaction can be fully completed. The torpedo armament is similarly impressive. şükela: . Answer (1 of 5): "How did the photon torpedoes of Star Trek work?" As Tim Gavin explained, they were essentially extremely bright gamma-ray flashbulbs powered by combining matter and antimatter. Class: Sovereign. Therefore, most missiles are very small, low-yield devices, although there have been notable exceptions . The Gravimetric Photon Torpedo and the Quantum Phase one from Sunrise seem to be staples, and I think the new one from the Discovery reputation is also quite popular. They were developed in part due to the requirement for a weapon, which . However, they are functionally identical to photon torpedoes, albeit more powerful with the only visual difference being their color. A multi-player SURVIVAL game with elements of RPG, in an imaginary country in Eastern Europe. Quantum Torpedo Launchers deal average damage and have an average recharge. Voyager's photon torpedoes (which were type VI at the time) were mentioned by the Borg to have an explosive yield of 200 isotons. Originally supposed to be a light science vessel, the Discovery class design was changed significantly during its development due to the growing threats throughout the galaxy. ( Star Trek ) The 24th century saw the deployment of an improved type of ordnance in the year 2371: the quantum torpedo. Enterprise E's sophisticated Deflector Shield would easily withstand bombardments from BSG's human-made pathetic kinetic energy weapons. The V.A.T.A torpedo system functions in many ways as the Photon or Quantum torpedo systems do. Just a burst. Our commenters promptly began dissecting our admittedly cursory logic to figure out which weapon technology which would win in the "real" world, which we thought was a pretty good question. The torpedo masses 247.5 kilos when not loaded. Photon torpedo yield: Warhead It is difficult to estimate photon torpedo yields because there has never been a substantive quantification of their output. There would be little chance of a star destroyer to . Quantum because the Quantum mines are far better then Photon mines. The quantum torpedo was a tactical quantum weapon deployed aboard starships that utilized a plasma warhead. A properly-built kinetic torpedo boat is already firing torpedoes every ~1 second or so, so the faster reload is wasted. SO. Learn the secret behind the destructive power of a photon torpedo!PARTICIPATE in this cha. In fact the detonation of a single torpedo would release more energy than 13 times the explosives ever used in war from the discovery of gunpowder to the 1990's. The yield rate for a photon torpedo is therefore 95.73 megatons per 3 kilograms. Performance Modifiers Variable-yield, a Quantum Torpedo usually releases more than double the energy of a standard Photon Torpedo in the 50-60 Isoton range. It affects both photon torpedoes and mines. According to the DS9 technical manual relies on rapid energy extraction from zero-point vacuum. This guide will serve as an introduction to the use of torpedoes, what abilities and traits enhance and synergize with them, and advanced tactics utilized in high DPS runs. Quantum Torpedoes. Plasma Torpedoes have a chance to add a 481 Plasma DoT over 10 seconds. More advanced version similarly surpass the higher-grade photon torpedoes. each torpedo contains a propulsion system onboard sensors to identify enemy vessels within firing range and in Quantum and Tachyon firing modes an anti-matter charge designed to damage the opposing vessel upon impact Since the Neutronic torpedo is a quantum torpedo casing, it impacts for a massive amount of kinetic damage but it fires more slowly than other torpedoes with a 15 second reload time. The photon torpedo used shaped charges of antimatter that, when they came in contact with conventional matter or hard energy barriers, released massive amounts of gamma ray photons, hence the weapon's name. Plasma Torpedoes have a chance to add a 481 Plasma DoT over 10 seconds. Chroniton Torpedoes will slow a target, and make turning near impossible. Star Trek scientific consultant André Bormanis likened the difference between photon and quantum torpedoes to an atom bomb versus a hydrogen bomb. Ships present: 1. Answer (1 of 2): According to this: Each torpedo contains a 1.5kg reaction mass - which, in this case, is antimatter So, based on that figure, you can do a calculation based on known scientific properties: e = mc² =3 x (3x10⁸)² =3 x 9x10¹⁶ =2.7x10¹⁷ Joules A one megaton explosion releases . Torpedo/Probe Magazine: This restricted area on deck 9 is for storing unarmed photon torpedoes, quantum torpedoes (if the mission dictates), and science probes I - VI (VII - X if mission dictates). The first model introduced on the Defiant was a quantum version of the Pulse fire torpedo tube, which can fire an average of one torpedo per second. Along with the energy weapon emplacements, the F-11 is armed with four Class 5 torpedo launchers capable of firing photon and plasma torpedoes and tri-cobalt devices. Home » Comic Book Forums » Comic Book 'Versus' Forum » The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E vs Superman: The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E vs Superman Started by: golem370. In the comparison we gave Galactica 's nukes an edge over Enterprise's photon torpedoes based on how the weapons are depicted in the movies and TV. The TNG tech manual states that photon torpedoes use 1.5 kg matter/antimatter so we can calc the yield as exactly 64.4 megatons. I've long been a torpedo boat captain, starting way back in the day when torpedoes of the same type shared cooldowns so that the only way to maintain a decent rate of fire was to use all different types of torpedoes. Armament: 13 Type X Phaser banks, 4 torpedo launchers, 55 Photon Torpedoes, 40 Quantum Torpedoes, 5 Tricobalt devices (USS Voyager possesses an additional 50 Transphasic Torpedoes) Weapons firing arcs: Forward, Aft, Starboard, Port, Dorsal, Ventral. posted Oct 15, 2017 10:09:27 by Gilandilas. Quantum torpedoes would be comparable to proton torpedoes in power as well. They are not affected by Weapon Power. "If you need, say, a 100-kilogram superconducting magnet to create the fields needed to suspend a 1-gram sphere of antihydrogen, your photon torpedo's going to be a little bigger than a beach ball." One thing the two scientists agree on is who would win in a ship-to-ship battle between the Galactica and the Enterprise . Hi everyone, on the various Star Trek wikias they always give 25,000 megajoules as photonic torpedoes, while for quantum torpedoes they give 10 ^ 5 megajoules. . 5: Does it carry families? Design The V.A.T.A torpedo system functions in many ways as the Photon or Quantum torpedo systems do. Having developed photon torpedo technology more than 100 years before Starfleet and the Federation, Klingon torpedoes are significantly more powerful, the maximum attainable yield . A POWERFUL weapon in the arsenals of the major powers of Star Trek. The Dominion famously made their presence known by destroying a Galaxy-class ship, the U.S.S. Auxiliary craft: 10 shuttlecraft, 5 shuttle pods (wartime variant houses 40 Peregrine Class) Class: Excelsior. We know from the amount of antimatter in a photon torpedo that it can have a maximum theoretical yield of 64 megatons of tnt, so a single photon torpedo is more powerful than the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated. . EncDPS was 209 higher with quantum torpedoes Conclusion While quantum torpedoes edged out the photon torpedoes for this scenario and play style, the overall numbers are only marginally better. That's a little too small to be a photon torpedo launcher, but it's also far too large to be a microtorpedo launcher. The photon torpedo used shaped charges of antimatter that, when they came in contact with conventional matter or hard energy barriers, released massive amounts of gamma ray photons, hence the weapon's name. On a 1-torp build, there's no set bonus or other utility effect to commend this weapon and torpedo spread of any rank will be far more efficient at stacking Super Charged Weapons than waiting 12 seconds. Star Treks' enormously powerful Quantum Torpedoes were use in the late 24th century against the Borg and the Dominion. Experience the thrills of a fast-paced single and multiplayer Parkour game. When it comes to torpedoes it comes down to preference. This is only 58 times the yield of a single quantum torpedo. Wonder no longer - Jeremy's got a MATH segment that will guarantee insight into your all your pwning needs. At least for their missile weapons. Photon Torpedoes. 2 The EMH Emergency Medical Holograms were becoming standard on many other classes of Starfleet vessels, but the Enterprise-E was the first one to incorporate the technology. It has been mentioned however that a 54 isoton explosion from a modified gravimetric torpedo (which is based on a photon torpedo design) is able to destroy a small planet, and this output was increased to 80 isotons). The staple of fedeation/starfleet weaponry for nearly 200 years. but a big, big burst. If I remember the numbers correctly my Photon VIII says about 360 damage and Transphasic VIII says about 180 damage. . These torpedoes were designed specifically for use against the Borg and a single transphasic torpedo is capable of destroying a Borg cube. Developed to improve upon and, eventually, replace the photon torpedo, the quantum torpedo uses an energetic release of a zero-point energy field to obtain basic yields of up to 52.3 isotons - twice as powerful as the most common photon torpedoes. 1" we see Kazon torpedoes fired at Voyager while Voyager is approaching at maximum warp. Proton torpedoes vs photon torpedoes. However, the TM indicates that a photon torpedo carries 1.5kg of antimatter which presumably reacts with an equal amount of matter. 4: Does it have rear photon or rear quantum torpedo tubes? photon torpedoes can travel faster then light if need be View image: /infopop . Nov 7, 2019 @ 3:35am Originally posted by Mr. Fibble: Dyson rep torp and the phased quantum (think its from sunrise mission) are also both decent options. Recharge is 8 seconds. photon torpedodan farkı, savaş başlığının madde / antimadde yerine quantum singularityden oluşmasıdır. Recharge is 8 seconds. The large quantum torpedo turret forward of the deflector dish is capable of firing four rounds per second,1 a greater overall rate of fire than the two main ten round burst photon torpedo tubes of the Galaxy class combined. Armament: 4 dorsal phaser arrays, 3 ventral phaser arrays, 1 forward firing photon/quantum torpedo launcher, 1 aft quantum/photon torpedo launcher. Some torpedoes (all Tricobalt-based . The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E vs Superman. But, a "quantum" (read "zero point") torpedo is able to produce even more. A quantum torpedo is roughly twice as strong. Upon impact, the torpedo will splash radiation damage in a 3-kilometer radius that will irradiate foes causing direct damage, then it applies -25.1 to all . Carry out an array of tasks, learn skills, and develop your character. Quantum torpedoes were used by several galactic powers including the United Federation of Planets, the Cardassian Union, and in the mirror universe, the Terran Rebellion. Chroniton Torpedoes will slow a target, and make turning near impossible. The transphasic torpedo was a very powerful weapon brought back in time from the early 25th century by Admiral Kathryn Janeway. More powerful after a class-wide refit, the Sovereign-class boasted sixteen phaser arrays, a forward quantum torpedo launcher, three forward photon torpedo launchers, and six aft photon launchers. This torpedo is a good choice, as it has a good reload speed and yeild. This means that . Quantums do more damage, which means that they benefit more from Bridge Officer powers, like High Yield. Photon torpedoes are a standard ship-based weapon armed with an antimatter warhead.They are present in every version of the Star Trek series and are a standard weapon on almost every Federation ship, though in Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT), the titular ship uses less powerful spatial torpedoes (guided, rocket propelled missiles) until receiving the more powerful "photonic" (as the characters . Have shootouts with opponents and earn a reputation. Support systems Most quantum torpedo launchers are simple modifications of photon launchers. Each rank will fire one additional torpedo in the salvo (Rank 1 fires two torpedoes, Rank 2 fires three, and Rank 3 fires four). Aside from the obvious colour difference, we know from DS9's For the Uniform that quantum torpedos can have cargo containers with 200 kilograms of trilithium attached to them - AFAIK photon torpedos have never had anything attached to them like this. Also stored here are the components for manufacturing new photon torpedo as well as the equipment to put it all together. The warhead of the photon torpedo comprises a maximum of 1.5 kilos of antimatter and 1.5 kilos of matter. However, since I'm a hardcore Star Wars fan, my choice was obvious. Each rank will fire one additional torpedo in the salvo (Rank 1 fires two torpedoes, Rank 2 fires three, and Rank 3 fires four). (Note that this explanation didn't appear on-screen until after the Star Trek: The Next Generation T. The original Constitution-class Enterprise was able to outrun a Romulan plasma torpedo enough that when it hit it only cause minor damage. KMC Community Forums. Quantum Torpedoes travel faster than other torpedo types. Photon Detonation Assembly: The Photon DetonationAssembly is a Tactical Console that adds a bonus to your starship photon projectile weapon damage. (Watch the TOS Episode "Balance of Terror"). Despite their peacekeeping goals, these ships were armed with over a dozen phaser arrays as well as fore and aft torpedo launchers with a compliment of 250 photon torpedoes. Polaron Torpedoes, like Quantum Torpedoes, are just differently colored photon torpedoes. I think of photon torpedoes as just as powerful as an oversized concussion missile. 2: Is the Quantum Torpedo launcher a turret? This weapon comprises an elongated elliptical body some 210 cm long and 76 x 45 cm across. Armament: 6 Type X Phaser banks, 15 torpedo launchers, 200 Photon Torpedoes, 175 Quantum Torpedoes. The proton torpedoes have very limited power (see the detonations in A New Hope when they hit the Surface of the Death Star) while photon torpedoes can destroy an in shielded vessel in one shot, being anti-matter based. For Neutronic, Quantum Phase, and Piezo, DrainX will help against shields. I am not sure what you mean by Quantum are missing options they have lots of good options from wide angle, Delphic, Neutronic, Advanced Radiant and more. each torpedo contains a propulsion system onboard sensors to identify enemy vessels within firing range and in Quantum and Tachyon firing modes an anti-matter charge designed to damage the opposing vessel upon impact Offensive Functions #9. Helpfully we do! Known ships: USS Crazy Horse. The large quantum torpedo turret forward of the deflector dish is capable of firing four rounds per second, [1] a greater overall rate of fire than the two main ten round burst photon torpedo tubes of the Galaxy class combined. 6: Where is the Captain's Yacht (the E-D was docked underneath the saucer according to the TM- though was it ever seen in TNG?) #4. Comparable to the Quantum Torpedo, the Polaron Torpedo is used by numerous races: Ferengi Alliance, Klingon Empire, and the Cardassian Order. Watching Star Trek I've observed that phasers and photon torpedos are used interchangeably, often seemingly at random - It's easy and it's free! for as long as it remains intact, it can tap into this unlimited universal energy field. Photon Torpedoes have the shortest recharge timer at 6 seconds. Recharge is 8 seconds. Official Description: A torpedo that utilizes a polarized explosive device. kayıt ol. Some torpedoes (all Tricobalt-based . (VOY episode: "Endgame") The transphasic torpedoes work by delivering a subspace compression pulse existing in an asymmetric . Starfleet vessels, operated by the United Federation of Planets, began using photon torpedoes by at least 2233. Quantum Torpedo Launchers: Scrub "Rub a dub dub" Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius . In VOY "Basics, Pt. A photon torpedo was a projectile weapon commonly used by Federation starships throughout the 23rd and 24th centuries. The game-play is similar to a death-match fantasy MOBA. I'm not sure about photon torpedoes, but there is a guy named Hanok from Karemma that can get you some quantum torpedoes. However, Sovereign required the combined firepower of . The coffin-sized torpedo casings have been repeatedly shown, and there's been no apparent change in that basic size from early photonic torpedoes of the 2150's to photon torpedoes of the 2370's. The core glow size growth it isn't based on torpedo type, either . STO Torpedo Guide. Quantum Torpedo [] Reload Rate (7500 tons): 1.1 Seconds This means more shots per minute. Weapons: 2 dorsal phaser arrays, 1 ventral phaser array, 2 forward firing pulse phasers, one combined fwd. I converted the figure into Megatoni and Gigatoni on the online converter and the result has a negative exponent, try to check you too, I leave the link: A dozen quantum torpedos traveling at 0.999999999c would probably vaporize the SSD too, as some would argue. They were developed in part due to the requirement for a weapon, which . Tome of Heroes. The reduced cooldown of photon torpedoes is only beneficial if the launcher is always pointed at the target. 3: Does it have Photon Torpedo tubes? Photon & Quantum torpedoes also would be something that the imperials may not be able to defend against. Torpedoes: Photon/Quantum torpedoes vs Imperial missiles: Our missiles are not our heaviest weapons, and are mostly used for fighter combat or attacks on "soft targets", such as starships whose shields have been disabled by turbolaser fire. THEN — Have you ever wondered which torpedo belongs in your enemies' faces? How much of the Transphasic Torpedo damage goes to the shield and how much goes through to the hull? Torpedo: High Yield Attack Upgrade - Damage Type: Bridge officer ability Profession: Tactical Region: Space Game Description: Torpedo: High Yield upgrades the next torpedo attack to fire a salvo of torpedoes at a single target. Torpedoes we & # x27 ; s name because it works on quantum. Of an improved type of ordnance in the year 2371: the quantum level ( below subatomic.... S free versus player game designed for mobile devices these torpedoes were designed specifically for use against the and. There have been notable exceptions MATH segment that will guarantee insight into all... Subatomic ) it comes to torpedoes it comes to torpedoes it comes down to.! ; we see Kazon torpedoes fired at Voyager while Voyager is approaching at warp! Works on the quantum level ( below subatomic ) all the various photon torpedoes is only beneficial if the is... 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