microsoft graph api powershell example

Part 1 - Authentication and Azure App - Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 1 » TechGuy Part 2 - Oauth2.0 - Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 2 » TechGuy Part 3 - First Powershell Script to get a Teams Lis and Walkthrough - Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 3 » TechGuy A small number of API sets are defined in their sub-namespaces, such as the call records API which defines resources like callRecord in microsoft.graph.callRecords . As a PowerShell MVP i often use REST and PowerShell, today i needed to get some data from Microsoft Graph. In this article. First things first, create a Azure AD application, register a service principal and delegate Microsoft Graph/Graph API permissions. In this guide, you will use delegated access to login as a user, grant consent to the SDK to act on your behalf, and call the Microsoft Graph. They demonstrate this by making HTTPS RESTful API requests to the Microsoft Graph API from PowerShell. Acquire a token to call MSGraph within the application. Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 2 You read the second Part in this Series, where we will take care of the PowerShell Script itself and how. The Microsoft Graph API is huge, and it's growing all the time. Intune Graph Samples. It comprises multiple PowerShell modules that . So if you want to download an attachment you can use the HTTP GET command directly with the Microsoft Graph API Get Attachment API.. The PowerShell SDK supports two types of authentication: delegated access, and app-only access. After that you'll find the PowerShell function itself and lastly an example on how to execute it. The script uses Graph API to provision the contacts, so we need an app registered in Azure AD to hold permissions and authentication (here's another example of using the Graph with PowerShell).Create a new App Registration in the Azure AD Portal and add the Contacts.ReadWrite application permission. Same as POST call, HTTP Method PATCH call also requires you to provide the data/values for parameters of the entity to be updated as JSON payload in the HTTP Request Body. Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 3. I have a few examples planned over the next week or so which leverage Delegated Permissions which have a different authentication flow which we need to keep in mind when writing our scripts. Start by searching on Google for 'List User Microsoft Graph' I almost always scroll to the examples first to see how the requests are structured and what the result is what you get back. Install-Module Microsoft.Graph. In a previous article, I discuss using cmdlets from the Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell to replace license management cmdlets from the Azure AD module in advance of their retirement on June 30, 2022.As it turns out, converting a couple of Azure AD cmdlets by replacing them with cmdlets like Get-MgUser and Set-MgUserLicense isn't particularly . The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is a collection of PowerShell modules that contain commands for calling Microsoft Graph service. It is maintained by Michael Seidl, Microsoft MVP, and au2mator CEO. The Microsoft graph API is based on Web API. The PATCH method maps to an 'Update' or 'Set . In this article, learn how to transform your API to PowerShell Graph API. So if we need to get a list of users or a list of devices in InTune this can all be done with Graph. How to start with Microsoft Graph reports in PowerShell. It will . And to specify which SPO site, the API requires the site ID… FYI, the Graph API site search is useful to query a site ID. Regardless, I took this opportunity to check on the latest state of working with the corresponding Graph API endpoints and Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets, . You can verify it by checking the access_token received in . Bad Example. As with all PowerShell commands, there are often not many practical examples, and if there are, they don't cover every scenario. Minimum PowerShell version. The Microsoft Graph itself supports various types of filter operators, so the assumption is that Graph PowerShell supports them too. I couldn't let loose from this - from my point of view - big issue and went from problem to solution. Go to API permissions and click on + Add a permission. I have been following this blog, and this more recent one. Enter Microsoft Graph, the "gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365". Example 3: Get a count of all users Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'User.Read.All' Get-MgUser -Count userCount -ConsistencyLevel eventual Id DisplayName Mail UserPrincipalName -- ----- ---- ----- 00f9b5d4-290f-413d-ab86-feb3cdc23736 Johanna Lorenz . The PowerShell Graph SDK has this exact issue. Go to Settings > Properties > Copy the Application ID and use that id for ClientId parameter in the below script. Browse other questions tagged powershell microsoft-graph-api or ask your own question. Welcome to 3rd post of the series Learn How to Use Microsoft Graph API with Joy.Today in this blog post, I will try to show how easily you can get started with PowerShell to make MS Graph API calls.. I am able to get access to Graph using a token by making an Azure AD application. Documentation for Intune and Microsoft Graph can be found here Intune Graph Documentation. With Microsoft Graph, you can connect to a wealth of resources, relationships, and intelligence, all through a single endpoint: The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK serves as an API wrapper for the Microsoft Graph APIs, exposing the complete API set for use in PowerShell. It provides a unified programmability model that you can use to access the tremendous amount of data in Office 365, Windows 10, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. MSAL with PowerShell and Certificate Authentication - Using the Access Token. Plenty of people has done this, so I won't provide an in-depth guide. Microsoft Graph is a RESTful web API that enables you to access Microsoft Cloud service resources. But when you are writing running your Powershell script it uses Microsoft Azure Powershell . There is also the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, which has no client class at all. Post date. The screenshot below shows the query and the returned user Authentication Methods as returned from the Microsoft Graph API. Good Example. Graph exposes a standardized REST API which lets you . For instance, if there are 95 groups, the last . Previously on this blog, I have posted some Graph API / PowerShell examples. POST and PUT methods map to a 'New' or 'Add' PowerShell command. Note that I am using this collection of objects instead of a simple array because this is usually the return offered by Powershell cmdlets. Open PowerShell Core in Windows terminal. To learn more from Microsoft GRAPH API, see my Blog Series: Part 1 - Authentication and Azure App - Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 1 » TechGuy. you will need to configure an Application access policy as detailed for example here. Step 1: Install and Import the PowerShell Module That makes you end up in a tough spot if you want to build snappy Azure Functions, as they run newer versions of PowerShell. Personally, i like REST-API´s, especially when they are the direct layer between me and the datasource i want to access. After you register your app and get authentication tokens for a user or service, you can make requests to the Microsoft Graph API.. For our example, let's create a small ArrayList of PSCustomObject with the following code in order to get some data to inject :). Extra Credit: Creating and editing data in Microsoft Graph requires us to submit information in JSON format as part of the body of a request. Understanding how to create effective queries using the Microsoft Graph APIs takes some work, especially with some of the more complex filters used to refine the data returned by the Graph. In my last post, I explored the basics of working with REST APIs. Querying Microsoft Graph API for data using PowerShell is great and can be useful. Instead we're going to walk through how to use the functions line-by . As I predominantly use PowerShell for scripting into Microsoft Graph parallel requests historically required extra functions to achieve something similar. It's just fantastic how hard it is to call the Graph API REST endpoints through PowerShell. For details on using app-only access for unattended scenarios, see Use app-only authentication with the . Prepare for License Cmdlet Retirement. One advantage of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell method is to use a predefined Azure Active Directory app registration and certificate with the corresponding Graph API permissions as a connection method, which gives you a way to create different connection types. Some examples of how to use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell. Important: How conditional access policies apply to Microsoft Graph is changing. Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. Get the User ID of each person you want to include in the chat ( API) Create a new Chat (must include the ID of all the users to do . You read the third part of this series, do a lot of examples. Basically I need a format of a Hash Table thingy. Authenticating to the Microsoft Graph API in PowerShell In this post, lets have a look at how we can authenticate to the Microsoft Graph REST API through PowerShell. Conclusion. 5.1. The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is a collection of PowerShell modules that contain cmdlets for calling Microsoft Graph. I say "thingy" because I don't know what a hash table is as of yet but this worked. Ok, this Post will take for granted that you have gone through Part 1 and Part 2 and successfully authenticated. Microsoft Graph, for those living under a rock, is the underlying API that unifys Microsoft 365, Windows 10 & Enterprise Mobility + Security, so that all we need to learn is a single REST API to give us programmatic access to read and interact with the data within those product ecosystems. A Quick Intro to Microsoft Graph. July 1, 2021. The samples include scripts that obtain an access token for Microsoft Graph through the native (public) client authentication flow, make a call to the Graph, and deserialize the result. Part 3 - First Powershell Script to get a Teams Lis and Walkthrough - Use Microsoft . Use batch requests when you have multiple requests. Click Add (+) > Select an API > choose the "Microsoft Graph" API and click Select. Instead, I wanted to target a [SharePoint Online] site. Modifying Microsoft Graph data. Finding the right command for what you want to achieve can be challenging, especially if you're not already familiar with Microsoft Graph. This is more commonly known as the Microsoft Graph Powershell SDK and all the cmdlets in this module start with "Mg". By Kai. Check the permission and click Add permissions. After reading it, I thought what might be interesting is doing the same thing but using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell commands instead. A lot of the times when we write PowerShell for Azure, it is to be run in Azure. Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Repository PSGallery It has been tested and validated with both Windows PowerShell (5.1) and PowerShell 7.1.x on Windows. In this guide, you will use delegated access to login as a user, grant consent to the SDK to act on your behalf, and call the Microsoft Graph. So let's get straight to it. My end goal is to be able to query some of my OneNote pages, and I am able to use the graph explorer to authenticate using my personal Microsoft account. Make sure to scope this policy to any user you'd like to cover, or even to the whole tenant . Mine example needs permission Reports.Read.All, so I'll search for that. To better understand, we build the first Query . The question i needed to answer was: „Which groups is a user member of in the Azure Active Directory." In this article, we look at how filters using lambda qualifiers work and explore some examples of these qualifiers in use. This post will cover some important tips and tricks to get the most out of Microsoft Graph when working with PowerShell. You can use the Microsoft Graph API to build apps for organizations and consumers that interact with the data of millions of users. Sounds great, but what do I need to do in order to query the Graph API? PowerShell and the Microsoft Graph. Check the permission and click Add permissions. The Overflow Blog The robots are coming for (the boring parts of) your job Connecting to Microsoft Graph with PowerShell. Applications need to be updated to handle scenarios where . For example, to get a user's manager, the command is Get-MgUserManager. But, what if we want to interact with the data in Microsoft Graph rather than just read it? ; Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 1 Microsoft GRAPH API is the latest . First published on CloudBlogs on May 15, 2017 In a recent blog post , you saw how the Microsoft Graph API enables you to automate workflows, access data, and integrate your applications using a single endpoint for Intune, Azure Active Directory, and Office 365. Type: Object Parameter Sets: ( All ) Aliases: Required: False Position: 4 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) Accept wildcard characters: False. I have been having a difficult time being able to authenticate with the graph API using powershell. Since this utilizes Microsoft Graph and REST APIs in the backend, it can work extremely fast with PowerShell 7 and Foreach-Object -Parallel. Using the Graph API we can reduce the number of API calls by a factor of 20. Select Microsoft Graph and select Application permissions. Details on how to uninstall the old version are provided in the GitHub repo. This repository demonstrates accessing the Microsoft Graph through PowerShell. Microsoft Graph API gives you access to Intune data such as configuration profiles, mobile applications, conditional access policies . Install Module Manual Download Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info. This should help you to build your own Requests as you need them. Edit Excel Online files with Powershell : Insert a range of cells. When the body is a form, or it is the output of an Invoke-GraphRequest call, Windows PowerShell sets the request content to the form fields. Although this new version is now called just Microsoft.Graph, without the beta suffix, for the moment it still targets the Beta APIs only. The following example shows how to connect with this method. Full functionality for group-based licensing is available through the Azure portal, and currently there are some useful tasks that can be performed using the existing MSOnline PowerShell cmdlets and Microsoft Graph. To add a license to a user on linux using the microsoft graph powershell use the following commands (after logging in to Microsoft graph using the Connect-MgGraph module) Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "Enteremail . This document provides examples of what is possible. Microsoft Graph is the gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365. The Microsoft Graph API has been around for a while now. Documentation for Intune and Microsoft Graph can be found here Intune Graph Documentation. PowerShell examples. How to use PowerShell to call Graph API endpoints. Conclusion. I have written a Blog Series, on how to use Microsoft Graph REST API. There are a lot of different things I could cover, but as I have been working through this blog post, I wanted to break it down to three main areas: using the right version of PowerShell, splatting, and a primer understanding . In order to get started with Using Microsoft Graph API in your Powershell session, the first thing we want to do is install the Microsoft.Graph Module. Intune Graph Samples. It lets you interact with a plethora of different Microsoft services, in a very consistent manner. It offers a single endpoint,, to provide access to rich, people-centric data and . The PowerShell SDK supports two types of authentication: delegated access, and app-only access. To consent to any of these permissions run Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Permission.For example, Connect-MgGraph -Scopes User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All. Batching w/ Microsoft Graph API - Part I used the Microsoft batch example as a guide, but their example created a folder in my [OneDrive for Business] account. Teams is exposed through Microsoft Graph API, and to send a message via Teams, it basically follows this pattern: Build and register a sample application. This repository of PowerShell sample scripts show how to access Intune service resources. In this article, we look at how filters using lambda qualifiers work and explore some examples of these qualifiers in use. Batch-Mga to the rescue. Using Graph API in PowerShell Example - OneDrive File Structure Report On 07/10/2020 08/10/2020 By sean mcavinue In SharePoint Online , Uncategorized Due to an issue on a file migration, I recently had a requirement to compare source and destination OneDrive structures. There are a few examples already available online but either they refer to old endpoints or they present the user with a login prompt to enter a username and password before . Select Microsoft Graph and select Application permissions. Register an Application in Azure AD. The Microsoft Graph API defines most of its resources, methods, and enumerations in the OData namespace, microsoft.graph, in the Microsoft Graph metadata. Tips and tricks for Microsoft Graph Rest API. Microsoft GRAPH API Examples-PowerShell. The previous posts of this series is listed below for your convenience. For details on using app-only access for unattended scenarios, see Use app-only authentication with the . About the Microsoft Graph. Late in 2018 it came to my attention new functionality with the Microsoft Graph API for batching API requests into a single request. Make sure to grant admin consent for the permission to allow the . Summary Using the MSAL.PS PowerShell Module we can quickly obtain an Azure AD Access Token with Delegated Permissions using the Interactive Device Code flow, and then silently refresh our Access Token leveraging the MSAL . Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 3 You read the third part of this series, do a lot of examples. Post #1 - Explore Graph with Graph Explorer - Getting started with MS Graph API Though the documentation is excellent for listing all the commands, not every command has examples. A GET method maps to a 'Get' PowerShell command. For our PowerShell function to be able to connect to Graph and retrieve the data we must first register an application in Azure AD and grant it permissions to read the required data. There is however an active GitHub project for a PowerShell SDK . Hopefully this script to Get MFA Methods using MSGraph API and PowerShell SDK would be useful to replace the legacy method of querying MSOnline to get the user's strong auth methods. But Microsoft provides some facilities (modules) for making . It's a pretty elegant approach, helped by the fact that PowerShell arrays silently fail if for out of bounds indexes. This repository of PowerShell sample scripts show how to access Intune service resources. Interactive (authorization code flow) Client Secret; Certificate; Building a request header; Token cache; Conclusion; When working with the Microsoft Graph API or introducing the API to colleagues I often get asked about the steps required to obtain an access token for the API with PowerShell. Installation Options. In the documentation, one great thing is the bottom section labeled… They demonstrate this by making HTTPS RESTful API requests to the Microsoft Graph API from PowerShell. Using the GraphAPI we can query data from just about any of the Microsoft 365 products. Hi, Does somebody have an example on how to use Graph to upload large files to a sharepoint library using an uploadsession as prescribed by Microsoft in the Graph API reference : Graph API reference Upload Session ? Let's look at some ways to help find a particular command. This should help you to build your. Microsoft Graph via PowerShell Example. The table below contains our Microsoft Graph rollup module. Therefore, the number of commands in the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is also large. Utilising the Graph API through MSAL is quite common, but there's less examples of accessing it through other scripting languages - even PowerShell! This module installs all the service modules as its dependencies. Let us consider the case of updating the details of the user we just created above with PowerShell and Microsoft Graph. Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. The . Make your request Uri as specific as possible. Understanding how to create effective queries using the Microsoft Graph APIs takes some work, especially with some of the more complex filters used to refine the data returned by the Graph. Construct MS Graph API PATCH call with PowerShell. When working with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets, you will notice that you need to use the "Microsoft.Graph.Users" object to manage the most common user tasks.This core object contains all the commands for adding, updating, removing Users, Groups, and associated tasks within Microsoft ToDo and Outlook. Use of Invoke-Parallel for instance, that I've previously discussed in posts such […] Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. To get started: Install Windows Terminal (optional). Its because Microsoft Graph Explorer is a Enterprise Application of Microsoft which is present on every Azure AD tenant just you need to sign in and use it by providing the required permissions. For more information on finding commands for API calls, see Navigating the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. . The script below is an example to then perform the steps shown in the graphic above. Grant the required permissions for the App (ex: "Read and write all users' full profiles", "Read and write all groups"). In this article. While the SDK doesn't yet expose a batch command, we can use the all purpose invoke-mggraphrequest. Using Microsoft Graph, you can build apps that can interact with the data from all your users and design new processes or workflows to integrate with your organization needs. In Azure, O365, PowerShell, Systems Engineering. This post will provide another building block on how we can utilize these tools in our environments. Go to API permissions and click on + Add a permission. How to start with Microsoft Graph reports in PowerShell. It was the start of a series on how we, as endpoint managers, can use Microsoft Graph and the AdminService. The Microsoft Graph API is a service that allows you to read, modify and manage almost every aspect of Azure AD and Office 365 under a single REST API endpoint. Graph API with PowerShell As System Lead for SharePoint Online in the the company I'm working get very often the question how to get the access token to use Microsoft Graph API. This GitHub Repo is free to used and contribute. Most of these examples so far have used application permissions. The Get-AuthCode function performs the interactive authentication in Step 1 to get an authorization code associated with the registered application. Modules. Instead, all requests are represented as PowerShell commands. The Microsoft Graph PowerShell API has followed this naming convention as well, mapping the http request methods to the verb portion of the PowerShell command. Try not to use Where-Object in your foreach loop, but match your data with hashtables. In PowerShell, if you want to use an HTTP call natively, you can use Invoke-WebRequest (for more details you can see How can I use HTTP GET in PowerShell?. Conclusion. I'm more familiar with the program language PowerShell I will do a short tutorial with an example script how I'm connecting to Microsoft Graph API in my scripts I . Mine example needs permission Reports.Read.All, so I'll search for that. Creating a Registered App. Install PowerShell Core. A short explanation about how I work with a new Microsoft Graph API call in PowerShell. Future updates of this module will allow you to select between targeting the V1 or the Beta API. Microsoft Graph is a unified REST API, a comprehensive experience for integrating the data and intelligence exposed by Microsoft services. They demonstrate this by making HTTPS RESTful API requests to the Microsoft Graph API from PowerShell. Equality Operators: equals (eq), not equals (ne), negation (not), and in (in) This repository of PowerShell sample scripts show how to access Intune service resources. We can simply use our Access Token in the header of an Invoke-RestMethod request to the Microsoft Graph API as shown below to return a page of results for Azure AD Users and find those that contain 'darren' in the displayName attribute. Documentation for Intune and Microsoft Graph can be found here Intune Graph Documentation. Download Microsoft.Graph Powershell Module. Part 2 - Oauth2.0 - Use Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell - Part 2 » TechGuy. Using app-only access for unattended scenarios, see use app-only authentication with the install Windows Terminal ( optional.. You can make requests to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK < /a > About the Microsoft can... Api for data using PowerShell is great and can be useful applications conditional... 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